The idea for our revolutionary product arose as a result of the COVID Crisis and the associated health and safety concerns and exposure risks during the pandemic. We saw some products that could be reimagined, and that’s exactly what we did.
Did you know that in the last few years the amount of people playing rounds of golf has increased substantially, this even includes growth during the pandemic! The reason its popularity increased during the pandemic is a good one, see... people continued to play golf because the game was one of the few that could continue to be played, while adhering to social distancing guidelines. Despite the increase in play, there was an area of concern in regard to sharing the bunker / trap rakes between players. In many places the rakes were removed from the area for obvious health and safety reasons, a high touch surface or object during a pandemic is unsafe.
Going Forward, The Future is as Follows:
Each player will carry their own personal bunker / trap manicuring tool, the same as any golf club! Although small, our product is efficient, so when you need to use it – it gets the job done without sacrificing anything. As a matter of fact, the process is totally improved. There is no longer a need for the course to put out rakes and maintain them, saving them money. It also immediately removes the lose impediment rule pertaining to rakes and balls that have had to lie around or under a rake.
Not to mention, it actually speeds up play because there is no need to waste time chasing and replacing rakes during a round of golf. The rake is already with you in your bag, so it is easily accessible.
This “Rake Device” ---is a Sand Eraser--- simply meaning it’s like a chalk board eraser. Moving it in a side-to-side motion will erase any and all evidence of sand surface disturbance. Additionally, if a deep or large depression should happen or a collapse of a bunker / trap-wall it’s also a rake repair tool! Total rake/bunker manicure repair no matter what the situation --- just more ways it can speed up a round of golf!
WAIT! That’s Not All! It’s a World Class ball retriever that can capture up to three balls in one retrieve no matter where the ball is lying on land or in the water---without fail as long as it is within reach. Space Age designs, nothing exists in the world like it today.
Our product is very easy to use and can easily be assembled or disassembled in the event a repair is required. We have a limited 3-year warranty. How it works is simple, you send us your broken piece(s) and in exchange we will replace the part free of charge. All you would need to do is to pay for shipping and handling and in exchange you get the rake, and/or retriever!
Why Choose the Ball Retriever
- No more wrestling with snakes and other sea creatures!
- Stay dry while getting back to the game
- Faster rounds
- Money saved on rakes and rake maintenance, and golf is better for it!
- Get free balls from previous losses
1 Year Limited Warranty
We have a limited 1-year warranty. How it works is simple, you send us your broken piece(s) and we will replace the part free of charge. All you would need to do is to pay for shipping and handling and in exchange you get the rake, and/or retriever!
Actively Seeking Manufacturers, Distributors, and Investors
Now suppose I told you I have such a device that can already do all that and it’s ready for manufacturing and marketing. However, to do that, first we need to find potential manufacturers, investors, and distributors. We are currently actively searching for investors, distributors and manufacturers! This product will bring great benefits to the golf world and great financial benefits as well. We are proudly patented and are READY TO MANUFACTURE IMMEDIATELY! If your interest is peaked, don’t hesitate to contact us today, we look forward to hearing from you!